Old Bloodlines

It's great to see the real old bloodlines and types of Lurchers have landed in Finland. They look at home in your beautifully natural environment. Unfortunately England has become flooded with imitations bred solely from ruined K.C. show breeds. They don't look the same and certainly don't behave similar. The dogs pounds are full of badly bred rubbish wrongly termed Lurchers. This makes it difficult when people abroad Google the word they see all that trash and confuse with the real thing. We need people to get informed of the difference and your pictures help with that. I'm proud of the wonderful examples in Finland they truly represent the proper Lurcher.

Real lurchers, this type of dog was invented to run in forests. Where other pure sighthounds could not run as too hazardous. Finland is a beautifully unspoilt country and it brings me great joy to see the dogs in the correct environment. Thank you Kati for sharing, Jeff.

Click on the picture above to go to his gallery page.