

We apologise to the bloodthirsty "boy-lampers" and "boy-coursers" amongst you out there, but there are no pictures of dead "bambies" (or any other dead animals or birds for that matter) on our website.

I prefer to see them alive and well, or be tasting them from my plate, thankyou. We acknowledge that the function of stealth poaching is essential to the development of these dogs' superior qualities such as: intelligence, trainability, physique, vigour and health. But, also believe that poaching is wisest veiled in the darkness of night and not boasted about the next day.

I, myself, am a poacher retired. This usually invokes the query, "Do poachers actually retire?" which I chose to leave unanswered. I've no need to prove anything, because, I do not require your approval thankyou!

These dogs survived when mere possession of one was a hanging offence for man and dog alike. Those "Dark-ages" may soon be about to descend upon us again. If so, it is important that this website is able to continue preserving these dogs with their hunting abilities, whatever the political climate.

This, then, is the daytime showcase for dogs formed by feats performed in the darkness of the night. So, sorry to disappoint you "boy-hunters"(reared on a diet of "The Comic-book Writer's" phantasies), but if you want to see dead animals, you'll have to get out of the pub, and you just might gain some respect for the quarry by trying to catch your own!

These dogs were functioning before you or I were born and it is our intention to see they survive, still capable of functioning after we're all gone.