
So now, here he is, my wonderful Old Fashioned lurcher, named Aston!

Here some pics of that little rascal!

Stockholm, Sweden

Click here to watch the video of Aston at play.

Update 13th January 2013

Aston now measures 26 inches and he is a very fit and handsome guy! Very happy too! Loves to cuddle, more important to hug in the morning than to go outside... Body contact seems important, even while sleeping. He enjoys being dried with a towel after rainy walks, also cleaning his ears or cutting his claws!

IOnly time he begs is in the evening as he wants a cuddle and is estatic when I make crazy noises on his stomach! He likes toys that make sounds, especially balls that used to beep, but now only make an 'airy' blow sound.

He can be a real clown, either playing with me, the cats, or by himself. Outside his favourite things are rubber boots and watering cans, and of course racing around like a maniac on our 2000 square metre garden.

Aston has a great learning ability, very intelligent and will do anything for a Swedish meatball as a reward! We took two courses in Rally Obediance last autumn and we both had lots of fun. We do a lot of the activities during our daily walks. We hope to attend some competitions this spring, firstly Rally Obediance and secondly regular obediance classes.

He is a very cool dog, did not get affected at all by fireworks at New Year. Does not mind big noisey trucks etc. We had an elk right outside our fence and he stood still and silent. He can be a little reserved to unknown people, a side I like, but when he meets my friends he will accept them in a short while. Absolutely loves my family, even if he doesn't meet them that often.

So, as you can see I am very happy with my choice of breed and I am grateful to you for finding me this wonderful little creature.

All the best Aston & Cleo.