26 inch fawn brindle, broken coated dog. Sire: Bran Dam: Mini

"Alfie has been a great puppy. He is very easy to train and at 12 months old he can do all the basics and is about to take up agility training.

As well as leading the city life in Bristol, he runs out with horses and has started a bit of rabbiting (not caught anything to date)." Emma

Aged 3 months (also Molly - Black Labrador)
Enjoying a bone (also Jake - German Shepherd)
Looking for deer in the woods - aged 6 months
1st Experience of snow!
Looking for rabbits in Bristol
Life is tough!!

Thought I'd send a few more pics of Alfie (now 5 yr old).  He has turned out to be a bit of an all round star and proves that lurchers can be
trained to do just about anything!  As well as working him a bit, we do obedience and are in the local team for the south west obedience league.

We also started agility last year and competed in our first competition a
few weeks ago.  He is a great companion and his stamina is incredible - he runs for miles out with the horse.